Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1782.05.03

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Index Entry Drums, in Fort St Phillip, beat in British capitulation 
Location Ft St Phillip 
3 May 1782:23 (19/964)
Madrid, Feb 19.  Col. Don Pablo Sangro, one of his
Excellency the Duke de Crillon's aid-de-camps, has brought
hither the important and agreeable news of the surrender of
Fort St. Phillip the 4th of this month, and that all the
garrison were prisoners of war.
. . . [Articles of Capitulation] . . . 
Article I. Proposed by the English General.
. . . the garrison shall go out with all the honours of war,
. . . the garrison shall go out, holding the firelock on the
shoulder, drums beating, match lighted and flags flying
until it be filed off in the center of the army, where they
shall lay down their arms and flags;
. . . [8 Articles on other terms of capitulation]

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1782.05.03 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0014524
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