Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1774.04.01

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Index Entry Clocks, musical, made by Harland, Thomas 
Location Norwich 
1 Apr 1774:43 (11/542) 
Thomas Harland, Watch and Clock-Maker, From London, Begs
leave to acquaint the publick,
That he has opened a shop near the store of Christopher
Leffingwell, Esq; in Norwich; where he makes, in the neatest
manner, and on the most improved principles, horizontal,
repeating, and plain watches, in gold, silver, metal or
cover'd cases; spring, musical and plain clocks; church
clocks, regulators, &c. He also cleans and repairs watches
and clocks with the greatest care and dispatch, and upon the
most reasonable terms.
N.B. Clock faces engraved and finished for the trade. Watch-
Wheels and Fuzees of all sorts and dimensions cut and
finished upon the shortest notice, neat as in London, and at
the same price.
*** Clocks and watches, if left with Mr. John Champlin, in
New-London, will be carefully forwarded to the said Harland,
and returned with all expedition.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1774.04.01 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0014102
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