Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1772.07.24

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Index Entry Singer, Britain, Jonathan, sang and prayed before execution 
Location Bristol 
24 Jul 1772:22 (9/454)
Bristol, [England] May 16.  Yesterday morning the celebrated
Jonathan Britain was executed at St. Michael's Hill gallows
in Bristol.  He left Newgate between eleven and twelve, and
arrived at the fatal tree at one o'clock.  He behaved with
remarkable decency, penitence and devotion--- sung, prayed,
and exhorted the people with much fervor and affection;
acknowledged the justice of his sentence, and declared his
hearty forgiveness of all his persecutors.  The executioner
being tedious in the performance of duty, Britain assisted
him: he then delivered to the turnkey his watch and cravat,
kissed him, and launched into eternity with a satisfactory
hope of salvation.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1772.07.24 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0014014
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