Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1764.03.02

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Index Entry Bells, in Philadelphia, rung alarm for approach of protest marchers 
Location Philadelphia 
2 Mar 1764:32 (16)
Newport. February 27.  Extract of a letter from
Philadelphia, dated February 9.
. . . [33 lines on passage of a Riot Bill, prohibiting
unlawful meetings, under pain of death]
The above Association papers was immediately signed by above
600 people.  On Sunday, the 5th, at 11 in the evening,
letters came to his Honor, acquainting him, that a body of
Paxtonians had passed Reading, which is 50 miles off, on
their way to the city; and that another body was coming down
Lancaster Road.  His Honor called the Council, and they sat
'til 1 o'clock in the morning, when they order'd a general
alarm.  Firing one of the field pieces, ringing all the
bells, beating drums and crying Fire!, &c.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1764.03.02 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0013640
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