Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New Haven: 1766.05.31

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Index Entry Bells, in Hartford, rung for repeal of Stamp act 
Location Hartford 
31 May 1766:11 (518)
[Hartford] May 26.  Last Monday evening the long expected
joyful news of the total repeal of the Stamp-Act, arrived in
town: Upon which happy event, the General Assembly of this
colony now sitting here appointed Friday following, as a day
of general rejoicing. --The morning was usher'd in by the
ringing of bells. . . [51 more lines reporting celebrations
and accidental explosion at school house which occurred
while preparing for fireworks]

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New Haven 
Date 1766.05.31 
Publisher Mecom, Benjamin 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0013557
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