Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New Haven: 1766.01.31

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Index Entry Ball, in London, lady disdains to dance with tradesmen 
Location London 
31 Jan 1766:21 (501)
A few nights since at a ball in a large town within a few
miles of London, a young lady, who had a fortune of about
2000l, which her father had scraped together in trade, was
solicited to dance by a young gentleman of good person and
address, whom the lady scornfully refused to accept of for a
partner; and on being asked by some of her acquaintance the
reason of her refusal, she replied because he was a linen-
draper, and was determined not to dance with a tradesman;
which, being buzz'd about she was obliged to sit by herself
for a considerable time, no gentleman offering his service
to her no small mortification.  At length a young gentleman,
dressed like an officer, offered his service, which she
joyfully accepted; but after two or three dances, somebody
whispered in her ear, that her partner's father was a
butcher in such a market; which had so much affect on the
young lady's pride, that she fainted away, and obliged to
quit the room. 

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New Haven 
Date 1766.01.31 
Publisher Mecom, Benjamin 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0013539
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