Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1783.09.09

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Index Entry Fife, played by runaway Negro named Tack 
Location Hartford 
9 Sep 1783:23 (972)
Run away from the subscriber on Saturday night last, a Negro
man named Tack, about 25 years of age, [  ] mature, likely,
active, and well made, was born and brought up in this town,
he had with him all his cloaths, [   ]  [   ] a white broad
cloath coat turned up with blue made of fearless cassimer
coat, nankeen vest and breeches, blue and [  ]shirt, an old
claret coloured coat and beaver hat half [   ] plays well on
the flute and fife, and went off in    [   ] with a Negro
wench of Mr. Platt's of this town, who [   ]her cloaths and
female child, she is about 40 years old, and [  ] [   ] and
pretends to be his wife.  Whoever will take up [ ] bring
said fellow to the subscriber shall be paid ten dollars
reward and reasonable charges.  [signed] Thomas Seymour,
Hartford, September 8, 1783.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1783.09.09 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0013163
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