Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1782.01.15

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Index Entry Books, Watts's Psalms [t], plays, song books, for sale by Patten, Nathaniel 
Location Hartford 
15 Jan 1782:11 (886)
Now selling, by Nathaniel Patten, book-binder and stationer,
a few rods north of the court house, Hartford. . . [64 lines
of items for sale, mostly books but some dry goods.  Music
items extracted] Psalters. Watts's Psalms and Hymns bound in
one Volume or separate. Watts's Lyric Poems.  Lord Kaim's
Poetical Essays.  Plays.  A variety of small books for
children, viz. The World turned upside down.  song Books.
Great allowance made to those who buy to sell again.  Cash,
or any of the above articles given for cotton on linen rags.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1782.01.15 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0013077
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