Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1781.06.26

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Index Entry Drum, in Fort Granby, spoils of war taken from British 
Location Fort Granby 
26 Jun 1781:23 (857)
Return of Military stores, taken at Fort Granby.  May 15. 
Musket Cartridges 8928, muskets 192, bayonets 86, cartridge-
boxes 100, rifles 63, flints 3000, powder 120 pounds
canister shot 20, drums 1, two pounds canonades 3, five and
an half inch howitzers 2.  [signed] John Mazaret, F.C.M.S. 
Published by order of Congress, Charles Thomson, Sec'ry.

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1781.06.26 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0013048
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