Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1779.06.29

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Index Entry Drums, in West Haven, beat to arms, in enemy attack 
Location West Haven 
29 Jun 1779:41 (753)
About 2 o'clock on the morning of the 5th instant, a fleet
consisting of the Camilla and Scorpion men of war, with [
]enders, tow-gallies, transports, &c. to the number of 48,
commanded by Gov. Tryon, part of which landed a little after
sun rise on West Haven point.   The alarm guns were fired in
town, the drums beat to arms, and every preparation which
the confusion and distress of the inhabitants would permit,
was made for resistance. [99 lines describing Tryon's attack
on Fairfield]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1779.06.29 
Publisher Hudson & Goodwin 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0012944
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