Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1775.07.24

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Index Entry Assemblies, in Boston, people opposed to, in Governor's letter 
Location Boston 
24 Jul 1775:31 (552)
Boston Jany. 1769.
Dear Sir, [Mr. Jackson]
I sent you under black cover by way of Bristol and Glasgow
the account of proceedings in N. York assembly, which you
will find equal to those of the Massachusetts.  Perhaps if
they had no troops the people too would have run riot as we
did.  Five or six men of war and 3 or 4 regiments disturb no
body but some of our grave people who do not love assemblies
and concerts and can't bear the noise of drums upon a
Sunday.  I know I have not slept in town any 3 months these
2 years in so much tranquility as I have since the troops
came, and one of the clergy told me a few days ago he
doubted whether it would ever do for the town to be without
one regiment at least. . . [39 lines]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1775.07.24 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0012743
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