Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1772.08.11

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Index Entry Bassoon, played by Scot, William, brought up as musicioner 
Location Marlborough 
11 Aug 1772:23 (398)
Marlborough, Aug. 5, 1772.  William Scot was taken up on
suspicion of stealing a silver tankard and can from Mr.
Henry Abbot, & on examination before a magistrate, confessed
the same, and was committed to the goal in Concord.   He
appears to be a young pale faced man, of a good education,
bright genius and quick wit, and a ready lively invention;
writes a good hand, and (as he says) he has been a clerk in
the Exchequer, and was brought up a musicioner to play on
the bassoon. &c. . . [18 lines]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1772.08.11 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0012586
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