Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1772.05.26

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Index Entry Horns, in Ireland, play to assemble Hearts of Steel, opposition group 
Location Ireland 
19-26 May 1772:31,32 (387)
New-York, May 21.  Extract of a letter from Newry, in
Ireland dated March 31.
The north of Ireland is in the greatest confusion it ever
was since King James's time [occasion'd, it is said by the
landlords raising their rents so high that the poor cannot
live, by some late laws for inclosing the common lands, and
other impositions] There are it is supposed, in each of the
northern countries, above 15,000 men who call themselves
Hearts of Steel, assemble in the evening at the sound of
horns, march in the night thro' the country. . . [25 lines
describing activities of the Hearts of Steel]

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1772.05.26 
Publisher Watson, Ebenezer 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0012573
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