Citation - Connecticut Courant: 1766.01.27

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Index Entry Actor, Turbot, formerly played at Drury Lane Theatre 
Location London 
27 Jan 1766:12 (57)
London, Nov. 9.  A petition to his Majesty is signed by Mr.
Garrick, and all the principal actors of Drury-lane house,
in favour of the unfortunate Turbot, now under sentence of
death in Newgate, for stealing a pint mug.  This unhappy
young man was son to the comedian of that name, who formerly
played at Drury-lane Theatre; and was, it seems, led into
this his first fact, by the pressing necessities of a most
unutterable distress, his wife being just delivered of a
child, and he not only out of all manner of business, but
without a sixpence to the world, to furnish either of the
miserable wretches with the smallest sustenance in so
affecting a situation.
     A gentleman of the highest theatrical eminence having
made great interest to obtain his Majesty's pardon (which
has been most graciously granted) for Turbott, under
sentence of death for stealing a silver cup; a person asked
one of the players, remarkable for his drollery, what the
delinquent was condemned for; to which the actor replied,
"Only for taking a cup too much, which as my friend Joe
"Miller has observed on a like occasion, has been the case
"of many an honest fellow."

Generic Title Connecticut Courant 
Date 1766.01.27 
Publisher Green, Thomas 
City, State Hartford, CT 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0012255
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