Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1771.02.04

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Index Entry Concert, in Boston, benefit for Morgan, Mr 
Location Boston 
4 Feb 1771:33 (699)
On Friday next, at ten o'clock in the morning, will be sold
by public vendue at the Auction-Room in Queen-Street.  A
great variety of books, chiefly printed here,---among which
are, 50 dozen of Tate and Brady's Psalms with tunes and
without.  5 dozen of Watt's Hymns and Psalms.  90 dozen of
psalters and primers.  70 dozen of small histories.  72
dozen proof catechisms.  20 groce of verses,--and a number
of well bound and books in history and divinity, sermons,
&c. &c.----J. Russell, auctioneer.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1771.02.04 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0011939
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