Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1769.10.30

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Index Entry Pageants, in Boston, prohibited by law 
Location Boston 
30 Oct 1769:33 (637)
We are desired to publish the following clause from the
Province Law, made in 26th year of his late majesty Geo. II.
. . 
  "And be it further enacted, that if any persons to the
number of three, or more, between Sun-setting and sun-
rising, being assembled together in any of the streets or
lanes of any town within this province, shall have any kind
of imagery or pageantry for a public shew, altho' none of
the company so assembled shall be armed or disguised,. . .
every person being in such company, shall forfeit and pay
the sum of forty-shillings, or suffer imprisonment not
exceeding one month. . .

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1769.10.30 
Publisher Green & Russell 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0011872
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