Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1740.08.11

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Index Entry Ball, in Barbados, given by Freemasons for St John's Day 
Location Barbados 
11 Aug 1740:22,31 (330)
Barbados, June 24.  This being the Feast of St. John the
Baptist. . . The procession. . . in the following order. . .
a pair of kettle drums.  Three trumpets. . .
After sermon. . . an elegant entertainment was prepared for
them. . . and in the evening they conducted the ladies to
the assembly room, where they gave a ball to the sisters,
and other ladies and gentlemen, to whom tickets had been
given for that purpose.

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1740.08.11 
Publisher Huske, E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0010625
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