Citation - Boston News Letter: 1774.12.22

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Index Entry Asby, Mr, sells tickets to benefit concert for Stamper, Mrs 
Location Boston 
22 Dec 1774:43 (3717)
For the benefit of Mrs. Stamper, (who is in very distressed
circumstances) at Concert-Hall, on Thursday the 29th
instant, will be performed a concert of vocal and
instrumental musick; which will be compos'd of the greatest
variety of instruments we have in town.  To begin at half
after six.  If the ladies and gentlemen chuse to dance
afterwards, there will be ball music provided.
Tickets to be had at the bar of the British Coffee-House, at
Col. Ingersol's, at Mr. Asby's, Watchmaker, and of the
Printer, at half a dollar each.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1774.12.22 
Publisher Draper's 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0010461
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