Citation - Boston News Letter: 1771.06.05

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Index Entry Fiddle strings, for sale by Jackson, William 
Location Boston 
5 Jun 1771:21,22 (Thursday Supplement)
Just imported from London & Bristol, in the Captains Calef,
Lyde, Hood, Hall, & Rome, by William Jackson, and to be sold
at his store at the Brazen-Head in Cornhill, by wholesale
and retail, at the very lowest advance, a large and fine
assortment of European, India, and hard-ware goods,
consisting of the following, and a great variety of other
articles not here enumerated:  [lots of fabric listed in one
very long para.; para. of hardware goods, 12 lines up from
bottom]  horsemen and pocket pistols; fifes; German flutes;
fiddle-strings; jockey, Newmarket, half and whole hunting
and chaise whips . . . [para. incl. teas, pottery, spices;
para. re. Connecticut pork]
  *** Said Jackson will take it as a particular favour of
all these persons who are indebted to him (and whose
accounts and notes are due ) to come or send and pay their
respective ballances.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1771.06.05 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0010275
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