Citation - Boston News Letter: 1770.05.10

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Index Entry Shakespeare, quote [beg] Bring me to the test, and I the matter will... 
Location London 
10 May 1770:21 (3475)
Extracts of the debates of the House of Commons the first
day of the Session.
  At the conclusion of a very long debate, Sir George Savile
stood up again, and declared, that he was as cool as before,
more so he could not be; and, in Shakespear's words, added,
"Bring me to the test, and I the matter will re-ward, which
madness would gambol from:" Therefore, standing up in my
place, as member for the County of York, I do declare, that
this House of Commons has betrayed the rights of the Nation.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1770.05.10 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0010219
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