Citation - Boston News Letter: 1770.03.01

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for alarm after massacre 
Location Boston 
1 Mar 1770:32 (3465)
Some of our readers have surmised that what was published
last Thursday respecting the melancholy affair at the North-
End, was partially related: . . . [7/8 column, description
of riot surrounding the actions of Richardson and mob; press
reactions. About half-way down]   The people on hearing the
report of the gun, seeing one wounded and another as they
thought killed, got into the new brick Meeting and rang the
bell, on which they soon had company enough to beset the
house front and rear. . .

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1770.03.01 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0010208
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