Citation - Boston News Letter: 1769.03.16

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Index Entry Actors, amateur, in Boston, performance announced by British soldiers 
Location Boston 
16 Mar 1769:23 (3415)
I am credibly inform'd, and it is no small surprize, that a
number of the soldiers now here, intend shortly to exhibit a
play in this town, in open violation of an act of the
province for preventing stage plays and other theatrical
entertainments.  I would take the freedom to acquaint these
subverters, rather than supporters of peace and good order,
that should they, at any time, have the presumption to act
in the capacity of Commedians in any part of this
government, proper and legal measures will undoubtedly be
taken by the civil power, to prosecute the offenders.-- 'Tis
to be hoped, that if this friendly hint, should not prove an
effectual warning to prevent their intended exhibition, that
the gentlemen officers will forbid their acting, till such
times as entertainments of this kind, become more acceptable
to the inhabitants of this town, than they are at present.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1769.03.16 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0010150
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