Citation - Boston News Letter: 1769.01.12

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert, sells violins, Roman strings, flutes 
Location Boston 
12 Jan 1769:23 (3406 Supplement 344)
Just imported by Gilbert Deblois, from London, Bristol and
Scotland, a very large and compleat assortment of piece
goods, and to be sold at the lowest rates for ready money,
at his show opposite the bottom of School-street. . . [5
lines] Brushes and glasses, violins, Roman strings, flutes,
&c.  Powder, shot, English and German steel, . . .  [4
lines]  Boston, December 29. 1768.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1769.01.12 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0010138
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