Citation - Boston News Letter: 1768.08.11

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Index Entry Clough, Zaccheus, owner of runaway Mulatto named Primus who plays violin 
Location Durham 
11 Aug 1768:22 (3384 Supplement 300)
Eight dollars Reward.  Ran-away the 24th of July instant
from Zaccheus Clough of Durham, in New Hampshire, a Negro
man partly molatto named Primus, about thirty years of age,
a well set fellow, born in this country, speaks good
English; (said Negro was lately own'd by the Rev. Mr. Coffin
of Kingston,) hand on when he went away . . . [3 lines]: he
can play well on a violin.  Whoever apprehends sad Negro and
brings him to his said Master, shall have eight dollars
reward and all necessary charges paid by [signed] Zaccheus
Clough. . . [3 lines] Durham, July 30th, 1768.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1768.08.11 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0010108
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