Citation - Boston News Letter: 1767.05.07

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Index Entry Accomplished Maid [t], for sale by Mein, John 
Location Boston 
7 May 1767:43 (3318)
Just imported and to be sold by John Mein, at the London
Book-store, King-street, Boston . . . [19 lines, magazines,
Kalendar for 1767]
New novels and Plays,
Conflict, 3 vols
Convent 2 vols
Louisa Mildmay or History of a Magdalen  2 vol
Cunning Man
School for Guardians
Delia Stanhope 2 vols
Sir George Ellison 2 vols
Fool of Quality by Mr. Brooke 2 vols
Adopted Daughter 2 vols
Charles Chance
Nunnery 2 vols
Accomplished Maid
Charles Villiers  2 vols
Maria Brown 2 vol
Vicar of Wakefield by Mr. Goldsmith 2 vols.
. . . [6 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1767.05.07 
Publisher Draper, Richard 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0010040
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