Citation - Boston News Letter: 1767.01.29

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Index Entry Ashworth's Collection of Tunes [t], for sale by Draper, R 
Location Boston 
29 Jan 1767:33 (3304)
Imported in the last vessels from London, and to be sold--
enquire of the Printers.
Tans'ur, a new edition.
Tansur's Heaven upon Earth.
--- Psalm Singer's Jewell.
Handel's Oratorio, and other pieces.
Ashworth's collection of tunes.
Dr. Green's 40 Anthems in score.
Knap's Psalms, Hymns and Anthems
Davenport's ditto
William's anthems, much in repute in England.
Edwards on Original Sin, a new London edition.
. . . [19 lines]
All the foregoing books, except the first, may be had at the
prime cost.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1767.01.29 
Publisher Draper, Richard and Samuel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0010026
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