Citation - Boston News Letter: 1763.06.30

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Index Entry Bells, in Exeter, only three of fourteen rang Thanksgiving day, in protest 
Location Exeter 
30 Jun 1763:21 (3106)
Extract of a letter from Exeter, May 7. 
" On the Thanksgiving day here, scarcely three of our
churches, out of fourteen, had their bells ringing, and over
most of the church doors hung apples dressed up in crape
[i.e., in mourning], with this inscription, "Excise the
first fruits of peace."  At a public house, a figure was
prepared, the lower part of which represented Jack Boot, the
upper part was dressed in a plaid bonnet, &c. with a star. .
. [3 paras. in all]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1763.06.30 
Publisher Draper, Richard and Samuel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0009836
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