Citation - Boston News Letter: 1760.12.25

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Index Entry Indians, Cherokee, dance War Dance [t], declare for French 
Location South Carolina 
25 Dec 1760:12 (2947 Postscript)
Fort Prince George [Keowee, S.C.], Nov. 5, 1760.
The following particulars appearing to me of such general
and weighty concern, I have forwarded the same to
Charlestown with all possible dispatch.---On the 1st inst.
John W[   ] came in here from the middle settlements, and
informed that Louis Lantinac, a Frenchman born, who was a
cadet in Capt. Nelson's independent company, thereafter a
trader from Carolina among the Cherokees, and now a French
officer, lived very lately at Chote with presents from the
French to these Indians.  He immediately sent [   ] for
Salloue or the young warrior of [   ] who obeyed the
summons, and delivered [   ] two letters which were in
Salloue's hands, [   ]en by me to Judd's friend and Oucann[  
]  Lantinac being master of both the English and Cherokee
tongues, interpreted those letters as best suited his own
interest; and having presented Salloue with a box of paint,
which was accepted, he pulled out a bloody hatchet, drove it
into a log, and cried out, Where is the man that will take
that up for the French ?  Salloue immediately seized the
hatchet, saying I am not tired of war yet, I will give the,
the English more of it, and danced the war-dance; after
which all the others took up the hatchet, and declared for
the French.  Lantinac enquired if they could give him a plan
of this fort, or an account how it was situated; what force
we had in their opinion, &c. . . [23 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1760.12.25 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0009704
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