Citation - Boston News Letter: 1758.09.28

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Crevelt, spoils of war taken by Prince Ferdinand 
Location Crevelt 
28 Sep 1758:12 (2933)
Cleves, June 28.  We have received some particulars that may
be depended on in regard to the late battle [of Crevelt] 
Before Prince Ferdinand gave the order for attacking, he
lifted up his eyes to heaven for near a minute, and then
drawing his sword said, "Brethren, you have a good cause,
put your trust in Providence, you see God is with us, the
wind is changed, and is now on our side." On the field of
battle there were found two uniforms with the ensigns of the
order of the Holy Ghost, nine pieces of cannon, eight 4-
pounders, seven standards, two pair of kettle-drums, and 22
officers of distinction have been taken in the pursuit. . .
[9 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1758.09.28 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0009592
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