Citation - Boston News Letter: 1754.05.16

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Index Entry Drums, in Oswego, beat for arrival of Governor 
Location Oswego 
16 May 1754:12 (2706)
Philadelphia, May 2.  As the following extract of a letter,.
. .  contains a more full and exact account of the armament
sent last summer from Canada and the pernicious consequences
that may attend the French settling an Ohio, than any I have
as yet seen published, . . . -----That four or five
detachments were, during the last summer, sent from Canada
to the Ohio, making in the whole about 2000, besides
Indians, under the command of Monsieur Morin (or Morang, as
some call him) whose knowledge of the Indians recommended
him to the new Governor for that office.  The detachment
that accompanied Morin, consisted of about 40 or 50 large
battoes, and canoes, many of them supposed to carry more
than 30 men; they sailed within musket shot of Oswego,
without ever striking their colours, and had their trumpets
blowing, drums beating, &c.  This was in sight of many of
the Six Nations, and foreign Indians, who could not
sufficiently express their surprize at such an armament, and
asked whether the English and French were not at peace.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1754.05.16 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0009382
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