Citation - Boston News Letter: 1753.10.25

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Index Entry Drummer, in Halifax, escapes drowning, confin'd for theft 
Location Halifax 
25 Oct 1753:12 (2677)
Halifax. Sept. 29.  Last Monday night the following unlucky
accident happened here, viz.  One Hews a private soldier,
and a drummer belonging to the same regiment, took a boat
from one of the wharfs, and went on board a vessel in the
harbour in order to steal some live stock, ( as they term it
) that is, two women servants, and having got their fowls
into the boat with Hews, and the drummer just ready to
embark with them; but hearing somebody stir in the steerage,
and being apprehensive of a discovery, jump'd off the
vessel's gunnel into the boat and over-set her, by which
means Hews and one of the women were drowned, the others
with difficulty saved their lives; and we hear the captain
of the vessel has enter'd an information against the drummer
for theft, upon which he is confin'd in order for a tryal:
so that altho' he has escap'd drowning, he stands a change
of being hang'd.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1753.10.25 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0009354
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