Citation - Boston News Letter: 1750.06.21

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Index Entry Balls, essay, attending a waste of time 
Location London 
21 Jun 1750:11 (2510)
From the Westminster Journal, March 24.  Postscript of a
letter from Abigail Meanwell, to Thomas Touchit, Esq; 
'I am of opinion that you have an honest heart; else I would
by no means correspond with you:  And that the general
torrent of profaneness and immorality is so great, that 'tis
next to impossible to stem the tide, I agree with your
friend Revolvere, but yet I cannot forbear to take up
Jeremiah's Lamentation:  . . . [4 lines]
But what can we expect from those who enrich themselves on
the ruins of the industrious and honest ?  What can we
expect in a nation, where religion is almost thrust out of
doors, and conscience stifled or disregarded ?
Even in my own sex (I speak it with shame) modesty, which
was once reckon'd the chief ornament, is now very
unfashionable, and made a jest of, and a confident assurance
and masculine airs placed in its stead.  Their precious time
is spent in unnecessary visits, in playhouses, balls,
masquerades, and many other diversions, which tend only to
fill the mind with levity.  They waste their own fortunes,
and oftentimes those of others:  Their families and children
are neglected, and their precious souls plunged in the
utmost danger of being utterly lost.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1750.06.21 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0009203
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