Citation - Boston News Letter: 1737.10.27

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Index Entry Trumpeters, in Nissa, sent to Bashaw to demand surrender, wounded by Turks 
Location Nissa 
20-27 Oct 1737:11 ([1753])
London, August 17. 1737.
They write from Vienna by way of Holland that the Veldt
Marshal Count Sackendorff had put a garrison of 3000 men
into Nissa. . . [6 lines] that the Prince took possession of
the city on the 26th, and the same day sent his adjutant-
general, with two trumpets, to summon the citadel to
surrender upon which the Turks, those generous observers of
the rules of war as well as the laws of nation, fired at
them, and wounded the two trumpetters; and that the
irritated Prince began to batter the citadel in breach the
28th. . . [1 line more]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1737.10.27 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0008584
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