Citation - Boston News Letter: 1734.08.29

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Index Entry Theatre, in Dublin, quarrel results in riot at Theatre Royal 
Location Dublin 
22-29 Aug 1734:12 (1595)
Dublin, May 14. 1734.  On Monday evening, a quarrel broke
out at the Theater Roya[l], occasioned by some young man's
rashly assaulting of those persons called the Bail, who
thereupon ran up to Kevan's Port, & immediately brought down
such a crowd of his comrades, as immediately put all the
servant's to the rout.  One of them had the presumption to
attempt an assault on a gentleman who came out of the
theater, on whom he drew a knife, with a blade near as long
as a hanger, (the usual weapons worn by these youngsters,
who generally do not carry arms) and it is believed would
have been very mischievous had he not been hurried off the
chairmen, who immediately interposed.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1734.08.29 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0008419
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