Citation - Boston News Letter: 1734.05.30

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Index Entry Drums, in Portsmouth, beat for Princess Royal's marriage 
Location Portsmouth 
23-30 May 1734:21 (1582)
Portsmouth, May 27. Upon the occasion of the illustrious
marriage of the Princess Royal of Great Britain, with his
serene Highness the Prince of Orange. . . [various
celebrations] a considerable number of private gentlemen met
at the Kings Arms Tavern the 24th instant, where they
express'd their hearty zeal and loyalty to . . .  with
volleys of small arms and beat of drums.  And the populace
not wanting (in their way) to manifest their rejoycings.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1734.05.30 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0008406
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