Citation - Boston News Letter: 1730.01.01

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Index Entry Psalm 118 [t], sung in Bristol, for ordination of Taylor, Barnabas 
Location Bristol 
25 Dec 1729-1 Jan 1730:22 (157)
Bristol (Mass.), Decemb. 24.  This day was ordained the Rev.
Mr. Barnabas Taylor Pastor of a church in this place: The
Rev. Mr. Turner of Rehoboth open'd the solemnity with
prayer.  The Rev. Mr. Allen of Bridgwater preach'd from
those words, 1 Tim. 4.15.  Meditate on these things, give
thy self wholly to them.  The Rev. Mr. Fisher of Dighton
gave the charge.  The Rev. Mr. Greenwood of Rehoboth, the
right hand of fellowship:  Then the second part of the 118th
psalm was sung, and Mr. Taylor gave the blessing.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1730.01.01 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1730 
Bibliography B0008178
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