Citation - Boston News Letter: 1728.07.04

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Index Entry Drummers, in British Regiments of Dragoons, two in each company 
Location London 
27 Jun-4 Jul 1728:12 (79)
From the British Journal, April 6.  London, April 6.  We are
inform'd that as soon as the congress is over, and the peace
of Europe establish'd, there will be a reduction of the
forces in the manner following, viz. that as there are 3
Regiments of Dragoons in Great Britain of nine troops in
each, every troop containing one captain, one lieutenant,
one cornet, one quarter master, two serjeants three
corporals, two drummers, one hautboy, & forty nine private
men, all of which with one chaplain, one adjutant, and one
surgeon, make each regiment amount to 552 effective men;
that there will be reduced three entire companies out of
every regiment, together with one corporal, & nine private
men out of each of the six remaining troops so that a
regiment of dragoons will consist of no more than 309
effective men; and the number reduc'd, with the savings of
243 men, will save to the publick 10210 l. 17 s. & d.
And as there are eleven marching regiments of foot in Great
Britain, of 12 companies in each, and every company
containing a captain, lieutenant, & ensign, three corporals,
two drummers, and sixty private men, all which, with a
chaplain, adjutant, quarter master, surgeon, and a mate,
makes each regiment consist of 857 effective men; there will
be reduc'd two entire companies out of each regiment, and 10
private men out of each of the remaining 10 companies, so
that a regiment of foot will then consist of 615 effective
Upon the whole, 'tis said there will be a decrease of the
army in Great Britain of 5246 men, and save thereby to the
publick 12526 l. 8 s. per ann.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1728.07.04 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1728 
Bibliography B0008106
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