Citation - Boston News Letter: 1727.11.23

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in London, and trumpets of Life Guards, in procession 
Location London 
16-23 Nov 1727:11 (47)
Boston.  On the 22d of this instant arrived here Capt.
Diamond in thirty days passage from London, in whom we have
the following intelligence.  viz. . . 
London, October 7.  On Wednesday his Majesty was pleased to
order that. . . [5 lines]  The kettle drums and trumpets of
the four troops of Life Guards being to be employed in the
procession, and in the Abbey, and Westminster Hall, on the
day of their Majesties coronation, those belonging to the
horse of the Dukes of Bolton and Argyle, and Lord Cobham,
are to supply their places in the Life Guard for that day. .
. [5 lines]
Yesterday there was a rehearsal at Westminster Abbey, of the
fine musick which is to be perform'd at their Majesties

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1727.11.23 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1727 
Bibliography B0008075
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