Citation - Boston News Letter: 1723.09.19

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Index Entry Drums, in Canso, beat to arms for attack by Indians 
Location Canso 
12-19 Sep 1723:11,12,21,22 ((1025)
Having lately received a very particular & exact account of
the piracies & murthers committed this summer at Canso; we
shall communicate it as it was sent in a letter from thence
to a gentleman in Boston.
Canso, August 2. 1723.  I come now to entertain you with a
more melancholy scene than this, concerning our more
particular enemies, the Indians:
Lord's Day, July 14. . .  This night about 1 of the clock,
Capt. Robinson who lives within pistol shot of us, hearing
two guns fir'd in the harbour, and the drum beat to arms,
call'd to me, and told me the harbour was alarm'd. . . [1
3/4 col.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1723.09.19 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0007858
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