Citation - Boston News Letter: 1722.04.23

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Sweden, spoils of war taken from Swedes by Russians 
Location Sweden 
16-22 Apr 1722:11,12 (951)
The Czar at Petersburgh has given a relation of the Russian
Expedition in Sweden, and destruction gone therein by
Lieutenant General Lelli, with a squadron of gallies, with
?5000 veteran forces, 370 Cossacks, they marched 100 Swedish
leagues along the coast, lost but 11 men, killed ?150
Swedes, took 47 prisoners, 1 standard, 4 colours, 2 [   ], 5
iron cannon, 3 trumpets, 10 pair of kettle drums, burnt 6
new gallies,. . . [7 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1722.04.23 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1722 
Bibliography B0007784
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