Citation - Boston News Letter: 1721.06.12

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Index Entry Opera, in Oporto, interrupted by fire 
Location Oporto 
8-12 Jun 1721:21 (902)
Lisbon, Jan. 28.  Advice from Oporto say, that the 13th
instant, when an opera was performing there, in which was
represented the Nativity of Christ, and the principal
occurrences since the creation of the world, a fire
happened, in which 18 some say 20 of the spectators, were
suffocated, or burnt to death, among them a magistrate, who
after having escaped the danger, ventur'd to go in again to
snatch his son out of the flames, in which he perished

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1721.06.12 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1721 
Bibliography B0007735
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