Citation - Boston News Letter: 1720.10.17

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Index Entry Bells, in Brussels, rung for new Cardinal 
Location Brussels 
10-17 Oct 1720:21 (866)
Brussels, June 24.  The new Cardinal de Boffa, Archbishop of
Malines, designs on occasion of the said Jubilee [the 7th of
50 years of the miraculous sacrament], to make his publick
entry into this city, in the quality of cardinal with the
utmost magnificence. . . and the officiating bishop put the
cap on his eminency's head, after which they embraced each
other, and his eminency being returned under his canopy, the
officiating bishop began the Te Deum, which was sung with
musick, at the sound of the great bell, and all the bells of
the churches and monasteries of the town, and under a triple
discharge of the artillery. . . [3 lines]  There was a
splendid entertainment and in the evening bonfires and
illuminations were made in the town. . . [1 line]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1720.10.17 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1720 
Bibliography B0007699
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