Citation - Boston News Letter: 1720.04.25

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Index Entry Opera, Italian, in Dresden, performed for entry of Prince of Saxony 
Location Dresden 
21-25 Apr 1720:12,21 (838)
Dresden, Sept.4.  [From the London Gazette, sometime between
20 Oct-5 January.]  On the 2d instant the Electoral Prince
of Saxony and his Princess made their publick entry with the
utmost magnificence in the following manner. . . [4 lines] 
A herald at arms, followed by the King a Saxon equipage,
viz. 24 English led horses, 24 pages, with their governour,
dressed in the Spanish way, on horseback.  24 manage horses
a harbinger, 12 trumpeters, 12 of the King's coach. . .  16. 
A herald at arms, followed by the King's Polish equipages,
consisting of 24 led horses, 24 Polish pages with their
governour on horseback, 12 trumpeters, 24 Turkish horses, 12
chariots with 6 horses each, a litter and 24 mules led by
grooms all in the Turkish dress. . . [22 lines]  On the 3d
Te Deum was sung under the discharge of the artillery and
muskettry.   The King the Queen, the Prince and Princess
dined in publick under a rich canopy.  The lords and the
deputies of the nobility were entertained at 4 other tables. 
That evening an Italian opera was performed.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1720.04.25 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1720 
Bibliography B0007671
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