Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.11.16

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Index Entry Bells, in Stockholm, tolled for funeral of King of Sweden 
Location Stockholm 
9-16 Nov 1719:31,32 (813)
Yfret, March 27.  We see here in print the order of the
procession, in which the corpse of the late King of Sweden
was carried from Carelsberg to Stockholm, and of the
solemnity with which it was interred there in the church of
Ritterholm. . . [after the entrance into the church]  The
tolling of the bells ceased, and mournful musick began;
after this a Psalm was sung, and the Archbishop of Upsal
preached a funeral sermon, which being finished, the musick
was renewed, during which the corpse was carried to the
vault. . . [4 lines]  The Bishop of Lincoping having given
the benediction to the congregation, another Psalm was sung,
and the 5 lords of the bed chamber went to the table,. . .
[4 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.11.16 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007644
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