Citation - Boston News Letter: 1717.01.14

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Index Entry Drum, in Avignon, beat to warn the inhabitants against Pretender's subjects 
Location Avignon 
7-14 Jan 1717:11,12 (665)
Avignon, Sept. 26.  An order has been published here by beat
of drum, forbidding the inhabitants of this town and country
to trust the English, Scotch and Irish, who are here with
any money or goods at their own peril; upon which complaints
has been made of the hard usage of the Pretended subjects. 
On the other hand, we hear from Rome, that the Cardinal de
Trernduille has signified to the Pope in the name of the
Regent of France, that the Pretender must retire beyond the
Alps.  Two of his adherents being lookt upon as false
brethren, have been obliged to retire from hence.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1717.01.14 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1717 
Bibliography B0007496
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