Citation - Boston News Letter: 1716.04.23

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Index Entry Bass viols, for sale by Enstone, Mr 
Location Boston 
16-23 Apr 1716:22 (627)
This is to give notice that there is lately sent over from
London a choice collection of musickal instruments,
consisting of flaguelets, flutes, haut-boys, bass-viols,
violins, bows, strings, reeds for haut-boys, books of
instructions for all these instruments, books of ruled
paper.  To be sold at the dancing school of Mr. Enstone in
Sudbury-Street near the Orange-Tree Boston.  Note.  Any
person may have all instruments of musick mended, or
virgenalls and spinnets strung and tuned at a reasonable
rate, and likewise may be taught to play on any of these
instruments abovemention'd; dancing taught by a true and
easier method than has been heretofore.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1716.04.23 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1716 
Bibliography B0007458
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