Citation - Boston News Letter: 1715.08.08

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Index Entry Ball, in Hague, given by Earl of Strafford for King's coronation 
Location Hague 
1-8 Aug 1715:12 (590)
Hague, Novemb. 2. N.S.  The 31st being the day of his
Majesty's coronation, the Earl of Strafford gave a
magnificent entertainment and ball, at which were present
the chief persons of this state, the foreign ministers with
their ladies, and others of distinction of both sexes, to
the number of between 4 and 500, many of whom were in
masques.  There was musick and dancing in all the
apartments, and the whole company was entertained at several
tables with all sorts of meats and refreshments, wines, and
other liquors, which were served to them during the whole

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1715.08.08 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1715 
Bibliography B0007425
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