Citation - Boston News Letter: 1715.05.23

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Index Entry Bells, in London, rung for coronation of George I 
Location London 
16-23 May 1715:12 (579)
St. James's, October 20.  This day being appointed for the
solemnity of the coronation of his sacred Majesty King
George, the same was performed at Westminster in the manner
following. . . [2 paras.]
Whereupon the procession began in this manner:  The Dean's
beadle of Westminster, the High Constable of Westminster
with his staff, drums and trumpets; . . . [9 lines] Then two
pursuivants of arms; barons in their crimson velvet robes,
with their coronets on their heads (two abreast as all the
peers went) bishops; a herald of arms; viscounts; two
heralds of arms; earls; two heralds of arms; marquisses; two
heralds of arms; dukes; two Kings of arms with their
coronets; the Lord Privy-Seal; Lord President of the
Council; Lord Archbishop of York; Lord Chancellor; two
persons representing the Duke of Aquitain and Normandy.
Next the lords who bore the regalia, viz. . . [22 lines]
. . . [4 paras.] Then his Majesty made his first oblation,
and the Lords who bore the regalia, presented them at the
altar:  The litany was sung on the east side of the theatre
by the Bishops of Litchfield and Coventry and Norwich; . . .
[8 lines] and having received the ring, the orb and
scepters, was solemnly crown'd about two of the clock, the
people expressing their joy with loud and repeated
acclamations, the drums beating, trumpets sounding, and the
guns being discharged; whereupon his Royal Highness the
Prince of Wales and the peers put on their coronets, and the
bishops their caps, the Dukes of Aquitain and Normandy their
hats, and the Kings of arms their coronets.
. . . [4 paras.]  Dinner being ended, and all things
performed with great splendor & magnificence, about seven of
the clock his Majesty returned to St. James's, the day
concluded with bonfires, illuminations, ringing of bells,
and other demonstrations of a general joy and satisfaction.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1715.05.23 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1715 
Bibliography B0007414
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