Citation - Boston News Letter: 1715.02.21

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Index Entry Bells, in Gloucester, rung for proclamation of new King 
Location Gloucester 
14-21 Feb 1715:11,12 (556)
Gloucester, August 4.  Yesterday morning an express came to
this city, with orders for proclaiming our new King upon the
death of her late Majesty; upon which the mayor summon'd the
common council to attend him, at the Tholsey, and order'd a
stage to be erected at the high cross for that purpose; and
about 12 a clock the same was perform'd in the following
manner, viz. first, the masters and wardens of the several
companies, with their streamers and ensigns of honour, set
one from the Tholsey, and after them the 12 constables, with
the gilt staves; then the Mayor, aldermen, town-clerk,
sherrifs, and common-council, in their scarlet gowns and
proper habits, with the sword and maces, city music and
drums before them; attended with a great number of clergy,
with the Reverend Dr. Lye the new archdeacon of Gloucester,
at the head of them, and the gentry of this city walk'd in
procession into every one of the four principal streets,
(all the bells in the city ringing)  . . . [18 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1715.02.21 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1715 
Bibliography B0007401
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