Citation - Boston News Letter: 1711.04.16

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Index Entry Jack, runaway Negro, plays violin 
Location Fairfield 
9-16 Apr 1711:22 (365)
Ran away from his master Robert Rumsey at Fairfield in
Connecticut Colony, on the 28th of March last, a Negro man
call'd Jack, a tall thin fac'd fellow, exceeding black, a
considerable scarr in his face, can play on a violin, he
hath carried his fiddle with him, and a considerable bundle
of cloaths.  Whoever shall apprehend the said runaway Negro
man, and him safely convey on his said master, or give any
true intelligence of him, so as his master may have him
again, shall be sufficiently rewarded, besides all necessary
charges paid.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1711.04.16 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1711 
Bibliography B0007200
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